Sunday, June 19, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016 ~ We spent the night in Jackson, MS. 

I woke up at 6:09 am and was ready to hit the road. The boys got up without a fuss, ate breakfast, and we were out the door at 7:09 am.

We stopped once for a gas and bathroom break and once at a roadside produce stand to buy homegrown tomatoes, cucumbers, and a watermelon.

After 5650 miles, 17 days, 17 states and five-plus Harry Potter books, we arrived home at 12:10 pm.

No photographs today.

We have had a wonderful, once in a lifetime, experience. Thank you to everyone who supported our adventure and most of all Chelsey and Adam who held everything together at home.

Hopefully, when Jacob and AJ are grown, they will fondly remember this trip and the fun adventures we have had. I know I certainly will remember this for the rest of my life. And, I would do it again tomorrow!

Collecting Memories - Not Things, Summer 2016 ~ Paula, Jacob, and AJ
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 ~ I had this bright idea to visit the Hot Springs National Park today on our final full day of travel. Bad idea, bad idea!!!

Hot Springs is a cute little town and the birthplace of President Bill Clinton, but the hot springs are a joke. There are 47 or 49 of them and they are covered with metal, chain-locked boxes. We went to the top of Hot Springs Mountain Tower, which was pretty cool, but not worth the time it took to get there. There is one spring that is visible, we saw it, but didn’t realize it until I got home and looked it up on Google. It is tiny.

The springs feed into public bath houses, which is great if you aren’t riding or walking around looking for a body of water. Oh well…

Collecting Memories - Not Things, Summer 2016 ~ Paula, Jacob, and AJ

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 ~After a long trip last night, we arrived in Hays, KS, to spend the night.

We did not have any planned stops and decided to sleep in and get a late start.

I thought Texas had a lot of oil wells and windmills, but there are many more in Kansas and Arkansas. I am totally fascinated by the windmill farms. They are huge. We saw a parked truck with a windmill blade and we couldn't believe how big it is, way, way longer than your typical tractor trailer.

Kansas is one state that I have no interest in returning to. It is so boring. Maybe there are places of interest, but we didn't find them on our route. Also, I was stopped by a Kansas State Trooper. He targeted me, I think because of my out-of-state license tag. I was doing the speed limit and he pulled up behind me for a few minutes and then passed me and pulled in from of me and slowed down. I slowed down but there was a truck behind me. I'm not sure where the truck went, but the trooper pulled out and let me pass then pulled in behind me and turned on his lights. He said he stopped me for following too closely. I said that he was the one who pulled in front of me and slowed down. He said "that's what brakes are for". I was so mad and upset. He asked where we were going and where we had been. He also tried to tell me that my insurance card was out of date, but the beginning date is June 6, 2016. Not knowing what he was going to do, I just answered his questions with very basic answers. He ended up giving me a warning, but it sure ruined my day.

I was glad to get to Arkansas!

Collecting Memories - Not Things, Summer 2016 ~ Paula, Jacob, and AJ

Monday, June 13, 2016 ~ Today is our last planned activity before beginning our trip home. We will be driving to the summit of Pike’s Peak.

It rained during the morning, so we ate an early lunch, got gas and got the car washed before heading up the mountain.

I’m not typically a nervous driver, but I have to say, this drive was tedious and nerve wracking. There were a couple of times I thought about turning around, but didn’t want the boys to think I was a quitter. I did pull over at one point because I was shaking so badly. I pulled myself together as other cars passed me and continued to the summit.

AJ took a picture of an unidentified small brown animal on the side of the road. If anyone knows what it is, please let us know. (Update: the animal is a yellow-bellied marmot, the most prolific animal on Pike's Peak.)

Jacob was very disappointed to not see Bigfoot.

The summit was a cold, 45 degrees, and the wind was fiercely blowing. We went to the gift shop first and while we were in there it became very cloudy, preventing us from having a clear view from the viewing platform.

Coming down the mountain was much easier that going up. We stopped for a restroom break and to take pictures of chipmunks on our way down the mountain.

After reaching the bottom, we discovered that Colorado Springs was under a flash flood warning and it was rush hour, not a good combination. We did see about five rainbows while being stuck in traffic.

Collecting Memories - Not Things, Summer 2016 ~ Paula, Jacob, and AJ